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The Forest CC vs. Kelly Greens (12/13/2017)
Match #1
The Forest CC (Home Team)
Kent HeckmanDavid Weber
Kelly Greens (Visiting Team)
Gary LiporMike Fahey
✔ Winner
Score (winner-loser)
Set #1: 6-3Set #2: 7-5
Played: 12/13/2017, Status: Completed
Match #2
The Forest CC (Home Team)
Len GluckstalJack Keiser
Kelly Greens (Visiting Team)
Howie Taylordick terwilliger
✔ Winner
Score (winner-loser)
Set #1: 6-4Set #2: 5-7
Set #3: 1-0
Played: 12/13/2017, Status: Completed
Match #3
The Forest CC (Home Team)
Bob ConnorMurray Pearson
Kelly Greens (Visiting Team)
Bob McKeeJohn Cannon
✔ Winner
Score (winner-loser)
Set #1: 6-1Set #2: 6-4
Played: 12/13/2017, Status: Completed
Match #4
The Forest CC (Home Team)
Randy BillingsBurt Kainen
✔ Winner
Kelly Greens (Visiting Team)
Murray ButsonJerry Hubbard
Score (winner-loser)
Set #1: 6-4Set #2: 6-3
Played: 12/13/2017, Status: Completed