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Landings III vs. The Forest (03/20/2024)

Match #1

Landings III (Home Team)

Larry Tyler
Dick Jenkins

The Forest (Visiting Team)

Murray Aust
Brad Nash

Score (winner-loser)

Set #1: 7-6
Set #2: 6-7
Set #3: 1-0
Played: 03/20/2024, Status: Completed
Tie Breaker Score 10-3

Match #2

Landings III (Home Team)

Brad Davidson
Alan Fansler

The Forest (Visiting Team)

Rick McGrath
Kent Heckman

Score (winner-loser)

Set #1: 6-2
Set #2: 6-2
Played: 03/20/2024, Status: Completed

Match #3

Landings III (Home Team)

Dave Peirson
Neil Shea

The Forest (Visiting Team)

Jim Lavoie*
Len Gluckstal

Score (winner-loser)

Set #1: 6-1
Set #2: 6-1
Played: 03/20/2024, Status: Completed

Match #4

Landings III (Home Team)

Roberto Mariani
Rick Howard

The Forest (Visiting Team)

Frank Petrilli
Chuck Gabelmann

Score (winner-loser)

Set #1: 6-3
Set #2: 6-1
Played: 03/20/2024, Status: Completed