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Breckenridge B vs. Pelican Landing B (12/12/2012)
Match #1
Breckenridge B (Home Team)
Pistol HeaterJack Dalton
✔ Winner
Pelican Landing B (Visiting Team)
Leon BartosScore (winner-loser)
Set #1: 6-0Set #2: 6-0
Played: 12/12/2012, Status: Completed
Match #2
Breckenridge B (Home Team)
Gary DeWittTito Nava
✔ Winner
Pelican Landing B (Visiting Team)
Hank MorganScore (winner-loser)
Set #1: 6-7Set #2: 6-4
Set #3: 1-0
Played: 12/12/2012, Status: Retired
Pelican Landing retired before the completion of a 10 point tiebreak because they objected to a "double bounce" call on the Breckenridge side of the net made by a Breckenridge player.
Pelican Landing retired before the completion of a 10 point tiebreak because they objected to a "double bounce" call on the Breckenridge side of the net made by a Breckenridge player.
Match #3
Breckenridge B (Home Team)
John RankinLou Poloniato
✔ Winner
Pelican Landing B (Visiting Team)
Nelson GlueckBill Peet
Score (winner-loser)
Set #1: 6-1Set #2: 6-4
Played: 12/12/2012, Status: Completed
Match #4
Breckenridge B (Home Team)
Hal SherwoodJohn Cennerazzo
Pelican Landing B (Visiting Team)
Ron ClearfieldDick Russell
✔ Winner
Score (winner-loser)
Set #1: 6-3Set #2: 3-6
Set #3: 1-0
Played: 12/12/2012, Status: Completed